Cost – With cloud computing, businesses can save millions each year by taking advantage of scalability. Because they no longer have to purchase their own hardware to run their programs, they can limit their expenditures on hardware needs like hosting space, bandwidth, power and upgrades. As a result, businesses can direct those savings into adding new features or tools to help them grow. 2. Time-Saving – With cloud computing, you don’t have to worry about maintaining expensive infrastructure or upgrading it as necessary because everything is handled for you through your provider’s scalable service offerings. You just need to focus on generating more leads and making more sales with your website. 3. Reliability – Traditionally, if your business loses access to its systems due to equipment failure or downtime, you lose money while they’re down—sometimes thousands of dollars per hour (or more!). That’s simply not an option with cloud services. With a business continuity plan in place, you can rest assured that when disaster strikes (and eventually it will), backup solutions are already in place so there are no losses and little downtime overall. 4. Security – The security risks associated with owning equipment aren’t worth taking when businesses could be vulnerable at any moment to various threats including malware infection, natural disasters and even simple negligence like theft or fire damage. With cloud computing, all your data is stored remotely and secured from hackers or any person who might try to gain unauthorized access. 5. Flexibility – Choosing a scalable cloud solution means never having to deal with issues like system limits or license management again. If demand increases one month but then drops dramatically afterward, scaling your solution up or down isn’t much of an issue thanks to pay-as-you-go pricing models which cost very little compared to traditional IT costs where scaling was often prohibitively expensive otherwise. 6. Uptime – Most people think it sounds too good to be true: I’m getting all these benefits without paying hundreds or thousands of dollars per month? When managed correctly, however, cloud computing actually provides companies with increased uptime compared to other forms of internet-based services. 7. Manageable technology stack: There are many components to running a successful website and choosing between multiple technology options may seem daunting at first; however once you compare apples-to-apples (for example comparing similar features/cost) you’ll find that most SaaS providers offer comparable functionality as open source software at lower prices or free! With cloud computing, you can rent cutting-edge technologies and utilize best practices, keeping your business on top of industry trends and innovations. 8. Scalability – One major selling point to cloud computing is scalability. Think about it: A local business with five employees has a maximum capacity of five employees. However, a website’s capacity is limitless with automatic resource allocation and no extra upfront capital needed! When you expand your team or set more aggressive growth goals, it’s as easy as telling your server to spin up additional resources (after purchasing additional hours of course). 9. Information sharing – For businesses working across borders or collaborating with their peers within larger organizations, information sharing is vital. Cloud computing offers a number of built-in capabilities that make it easier to share information in real time and with whomever you choose. 10. Integration – Of course, with all of these perks, cloud computing is only going to become more popular moving forward. By investing in a cloud-based solution today, you’ll be ready when it comes time to integrate applications and platforms or migrate existing applications onto an updated platform tomorrow. 11. Multitenancy – Also referred to as virtualization or shared hosting, multitenancy allows customers to share resources with others and allows businesses to build out a flexible, scalable solution that can accommodate changing customer demands based on usage patterns (remember: your website’s capacity is limitless!). 12. Cost efficiency – More flexibility, scalability and reliability at a better price than you’d get with a self-hosted solution. Cloud computing really is just that simple when it’s implemented correctly! 13. Data storage – With cloud hosting, you don’t have to worry about disk space or filing cabinets for backups because all of your information is securely stored in a location far away from your office. When it comes time to access archived records, your files are available for viewing with an Internet connection (many web-based applications also include file backup features as well!). 14. Hardware infrastructure – The hardware behind your website is almost always one of your biggest expenses and it needs to be serviced and maintained regularly. With cloud computing, you can sidestep all of these problems because you’re not responsible for updating hardware or maintaining computers, servers or any other equipment. 15. Technical support – Customer service is essential to success and it’s something that no business owner wants to have to worry about. Fortunately, when you use a hosted solution, you won’t need to worry about any technical support because your provider will handle it! 16. Capacity planning – Your business is constantly growing as new employees are hired, more customers come through with orders or inquiries and new products are developed. Without a comprehensive capacity plan, your business might not be able to keep up with increasing demand. 17. Time management – Cloud hosting solutions allow you to work more efficiently and minimize overhead since you don’t have to worry about managing all of your hardware or software by yourself. 18. Auto-scaling – Similar to scalability, auto-scaling is another important element of cloud computing that allows businesses to rapidly adjust their infrastructure as needs change and grow over time. 19. Disaster recovery – What would happen if your website suddenly went offline or failed completely? This can cause irreparable damage to your brand in addition to lost revenue, missed opportunities and overall downtime for users around the world! With cloud hosting, you don’t have to worry about downtime because your business can simply switch to a secondary data center or backup site in the event of an emergency. 20. Maintenance – With cloud hosting, you don’t need to schedule and manage time for maintenance windows because your provider is responsible for upgrading and maintaining the infrastructure! 21. Platform-as-service (PaaS) – Cloud computing encompasses a wide range of solutions, but platform-as-service is often considered the simplest and easiest solution because it doesn’t require developers to install software or manage complex configurations on their own. 22. Remote access – Need to manage your website from a remote location? No problem! As long as you have an Internet connection, you can log in and take care of business without leaving your desk. 23. Security – If security is a priority for your business, then you’ll love cloud hosting because it allows you to maintain control of your data while providing a variety of additional security features that aren’t possible on unmanaged systems. 24. Scalability – From massive, mission-critical websites like Netflix or Google to smaller business sites, scalable cloud hosting solutions give everyone access to tools that are accessible via an intuitive interface and allows them to access their information quickly no matter where they are in the world! 25. Software-as-service (SaaS) – Want to streamline your business processes but aren’t sure how? With software-as-service, you can quickly and easily create an online suite of tools that help you improve communications with customers, share files in real time or help organize operations in ways that weren’t previously possible. 26. Speed – Google Cloud is committed to getting companies up and running as quickly as possible because their end goal is for businesses to start generating revenue as soon as possible! 27. Testing – Because cloud computing is often associated with high availability, most cloud hosting providers offer a demo environment that lets you test new applications and functionality before putting them into production on your live website. 28. User-friendly – Cloud hosting solutions are designed for small businesses and individuals who don’t have time to manage hardware or software. With a single login, all of your files, data and resources are consolidated into a central location that you can access with ease. 29. Unlimited growth – Cloud hosting is designed for companies that want to scale their business quickly without having to worry about physical limitations like server space or processing power. 30. Virtual machines (VMs) – VMs are run on cloud computing networks as stand-alone environments that can be powered down or switched off in an instant if necessary, but they’re not dependent on any specific infrastructure components to function properly! 31. Virtually unlimited – Cloud hosting is an ideal solution for companies that need a large amount of resources but don’t have room to support them on-site. 32. Virtual private cloud (VPC) – A VPC provides a secure and isolated data center in a box that you can quickly deploy in multiple locations or with third parties, so no one else has access to your data! 33. Web-based management consoles – With virtually any cloud hosting provider, you’ll be able to manage your entire website directly from your web browser by logging into a web-based management console that gives you instant access to everything on your account! 34. Websites – Cloud hosting solutions are designed to provide you with an easy way to store, manage and publish your website content without having to rely on expensive software or complicated manual systems. 35. Widespread access – Whether you need web-based email solutions for your employees or a convenient way to share files with customers and vendors, cloud hosting gives you a central location that everyone can access! 36. Works on any device – As long as you have an Internet connection, cloud computing works on virtually any device and operating system, including Macs, PCs and mobile devices like smartphones and tablets! 37. Zero-maintenance – While you still have complete access to your data, most cloud hosting providers manage underlying infrastructure and hardware for you, which means that it’s easier than ever to enjoy all of the benefits of working in a virtualized environment! 38. Zoning – If your business has multiple offices or facilities spread across multiple states or countries, it can be challenging to share information in real time with your employees. With a cloud computing solution like Google Cloud, however, you can quickly set up virtual zones within your network that mimic what’s happening on-site. 39. Scalability – Another huge benefit of cloud computing is that when you need more resources (storage space or processing power), they’re just a few clicks away!


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