Azure CLI is a command-line tool to create and manage Azure resources. You interact with Azure by running commands in a terminal or writing scripts to automate tasks. To automate repetitive tasks, you assemble the CLI commands into a shell script using the script syntax of your chosen shell, and then you execute the script. Azure CLI interacts with the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) service, which is the management layer to interact with resources in your account. You can install the Azure CLI locally on Linux, Mac, or Windows computers. It can also be used from a browser through the Azure Cloud Shell or run from inside a Docker container.

The Azure CLI offers many great features for managing Azure resources:
  • Cross-Platform: You can install Azure CLI on Linux, Mac, or Windows computers. You can even run Azure CLI from inside a Docker container.
  • Multiple Shell Environments: Azure CLI works in multiple shell environments, such as Windows Command prompt, Bash, and PowerShell.
  • Bash-like Syntax: If you are a Linux administrator, the Azure CLI syntax is similar to Bash scripting. This similarity helps Azure CLI feel more natural and easy to learn.
  • Automation: You can automate Azure management tasks by writing scripts with Azure CLI, such as creating, modifying, or deleting resources.
  • Open-Source: Microsoft hosts the source code for Azure CLI in GitHub, and community members can contribute to the project.


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