In this article you will learn how to create a Virtual Machine using Azure Portal. Here we will create VM with Windows server 2019 OS. Follow the below steps to create a virtual machine in Azure.

Steps to Create Windows Virtual Machine

  • Log in to the Azure Portal.
  • Click On the three line of Home screen and select +Create a resources.
  • Under Compute section Click Create in Virtual Machine.
  • Now Fill the following detail under the Basic tab :-
    • Under Project details select your subscription
    • select the create new and type the name of new resource group and Click Ok
  • Under Instance details fill up the following details and leave the other defaults
    • type a name for your Virtual Machine such as Azurevm
    • Select the region where you are going to create resources.
    • Select the image of Operating System, eg ; Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
    • Choose the size of VM according to your requirements.
    • Leave the other options Default.
  • Under Administrator account fill up the following details
    • Select Password as authentication type
    • Type a username such as ; Azureuser
    • Type a password and confirm your password
  • Now Click on the Next : Disk
  • in OS disk tab you can add the disk architecture that you want. I kept the default option as it is
  • Leave Encryption Type Default and than click next; Networking
  • Now you can fill the below details in the Networking tab
    • Choose a virtual network or else you can create a new one by clicking the “Create New” link.
    • Leave the Subnet Default
    • choose Allow selected ports in Public inbound ports and leave other defaults
  • Now for other tabs all the options you can keep as it is. Once you fill all the above details click on the “Review + Create” 
  • Azure will validates the above details internally and will show a message “Validation passed”.
  • Then click “Create” button.


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Categories: AzureCloud

1 Comment

Arjun · January 6, 2022 at 4:10 pm

Thanks for posting, very useful

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