If you are receiving an error message stating that the DFS Replication service has stopped replication on a folder with a specific local path and that the server has been disconnected from its replication partners for a prolonged period, this may indicate that the server has exceeded the maximum time allowed for replication to be suspended.

When DFS Replication is unable to replicate data between partners for a prolonged period, it will suspend replication to prevent the possibility of data conflicts. The default time period for suspending replication is 60 days, but this can be modified using the DFS Management console.

To resolve this issue, you can take the following steps:

Check the status of the replication partners: Check the status of the replication partners to ensure that they are online and functioning correctly.

Reestablish the replication partnership: If the partners are functioning correctly, you may need to reestablish the replication partnership by re-adding the server to the replication group.

Check the backlog: Check the DFSR backlog to ensure that there are no files stuck in the replication queue. If there are, you may need to resolve the issue before replication can resume.

Check the DFSR event log: Check the DFSR event log on both servers for any additional errors or warnings that may be related to the replication issue.

Resume replication: Once you have resolved any issues with the replication partnership and backlog, you can resume replication by modifying the DFS Replication schedule using the DFS Management console.

Monitor replication: Monitor replication closely after resuming to ensure that the replication process is functioning correctly.

It’s important to note that if replication has been suspended for more than the maximum allowed time period, the server may be marked as “preexisting” and a new initial replication may need to be performed. This can be done using the DFS Management console.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with DFS Replication and ensure that replication is functioning correctly.


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